Earn using power of leverage
***work in progress***
There are 2 ways you can earn
- Earn working alone using your own time and skills
- Earn leveraging time, skills, connections, resources, money of others
Any business with more than 1 person uses the second method of earning.
There have been and will be many online income opportunities most if not all which will be based on network marketing and direct selling.
The concept of networking for some strange reason, is a big "No No" with almost everyone when they are told about it the very first time.
Only when they are told that this is something they have already been doing ever since they were born, they then ask for proof and only then, very very reluctantly begin to accept it!Network marketing, referral marketing, word of mouth publicity, all mean the very same thing and do the very same thing - you like something, you talk about it to your circle and if they want to try it out, they do. If people in your circle too like it, they buy it and then talk about it in their circles.
As simple as that
Believe it or not, this is not a new concept, but has been there from day 1 when man kind stepped into business enterprising!!
As simple as that
Believe it or not, this is not a new concept, but has been there from day 1 when man kind stepped into business enterprising!!
Every business uses this concept
Every business is into network marketing and direct selling
Here is how:
- Hierarchy within any company is a network. The juniors down the ranks sell their ideas to their bosses and the bosses sell their thoughts and ideas to their subordinates
- Every business builds a network of retailers and distributors to supply their services and products to their customers
- Every business sells directly to their customers through advertising, offers, discounts, free gifts
Here is the secret
You need to network to get a job, to get any information you will have used Google online, Google uses its own network to get you information
Networks are not just in business. Your own body too is a network a network of:
- blood vessels supplying blood and oxygen without which you'd be very dead
- nerve cells to all parts of your body connected to your brain to keep your body working without which you'd never be able to use your limbs
Why then are people so averse to the concept of network marketing or direct selling?
Simple answer - bad experiences - they just did not earn the money they wanted to, instead, many actually spent a lot from their own pockets and ever got that money back!
Yes, there were and are many companies and people who earned a lot being at the top of network marketing companies. People at the bottom did not earn as much
Yes, there were many ponzi and fraud schemes that destroyed people's income dreams
Yes - all that happened, the truth is that networked and direct marketing are part of every business, were always there and will always be there. You need to know how it works and how to use it to your advantage
Here are some guidelines to follow as a networker:
- select to work with companies with wider reach in more countries
- understand the business and compensation plan
- understand the products, quality and prices
- share your ideas and thoughts but don't get fixated or stuck, if your prospects do not respond or are not interested, move on to the next one
- stay motivated - demotivation and negativity will suck out all your strength and determination
- focus on your goals - first make your goals, review them everyday, measure where you are everyday and ask yourself "what did I do today to achieve my goals"
- work at least 2 hours everyday building your groups and networks - no action = no results
- do things that can easily be duplicated by people who join your network - network business needs to be as easy as "copy-paste"
- IF you need to pay for something in the business, you must get at least twice the value of money you spent back very quickly in return in the same month - if this does not happen, you will go into a loss and your network business will fail for sure
- Stay connected with as many people in your network and help them build their business
Have questions?
Post your doubts and questions in the comments box and I will answer them for sure
I will add more to this page, do visit again
Warm regards
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